Sunday, January 17, 2010

No.X Luxord

Next up is "Poker Face" Luxord!!! HAHAHA Poker Face!!! UMM Anyay lets go!! This consummate gambler and gentleman stakes his life on the cards. Lucky for him, he uses them to deadly effect. He can manipulate time. His weapon is Cards. I hate when I play Poker with him!!! He always wins!! Well really he just wins because he uses is own deck of cards and he know it pretty well. Oh well until next time Later!!!

Demyx No.IX

Hi guys we're back!!!! Sorry for being gone for so long, but we were overloaded with missions so don't blame us, Blame Saix!!!!! And to start things off we'll do Demyx!!!! And Lets Go!!! Best known for his lack of motivation and easygoing attitude. When left with no choice, he puts his sitar and mastery over water to use in combat. His weapon is a Sitar. Um one question? Yes What is a Sitar anyway? Well I know Demyx is either asleep or playing it, but basicly ity is a gaitar that boost you power or mastery over something. So why does he need to play it all the time? It's so he can get better at it and maximize it's power. Yep that is the basics of it anyway!! Well there you have it we will have more soon so from Axel,Roxas,Xion,Demyx -Hey why am I in there?- and me, BYE!!!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Name Poems...

Axel,my very good friend,was at my work when I started doing Name Poems. I have a few to show you so here they are.

Here's Roxas,Man can he rock some ass,That and break a lot glass.
He's with Axel,Quite a tale he has Told,When he's in the Freezeing Cold.

Here's Xigbar,As a shooter he'll get far,As long as he knows where he parked his car.
With him is Demyx,Those two are a dreadful Mix,When it comes to killin snowmans for Kicks.

I can't think of any thing else but if I do you will know.BYE!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

No.VIII Axel

OH YEA!!! What? It's your turn Axel!!! Wait what? Yeah so lets go!! NOW WAIT A SECOND-- A wise guy who says suprisingly little about himself for all the tlking he does. Despite being a member of Organization XIII, he tends to side with Organization Himself when presented with the choice. He can wield fire. His weapon is Chakrams. OH YOU!!!>x< Hahahahahaha!!! Well that's it for NOW... Good bye...=(

Saix No.VII

OH GREAT IT'S SAIX NEXT!!! Well lets get this over with... Xemnas's right-hand man and day-to-day overseer of the Organization. His usual calm is broken only by the moon,which turns him berserk. HIs weapon is a Claymore. Well we sould leave because he's the one on the room check today...Yeah well until next time LATER!!!!

No.VI Zexion

Oh! Zexion's next! Who the overachever? Yeah him. Well you know the drill people so come on!!! An exceptional tacticain, he uses his keen inteellect and ability to weave illusions to manipulate those around him. His weapon is a Lexicon. A Lexicon what's that? It's a spell book used to learn high leveled spells and his reading book. So he learns strong spells while he reads it to pass the time? Yeah pretty much...Well I'm glad you know so much about my book.*All look to see that his's right behind me*Would you like to read aswell? I do know for a fact that you're very good with spells and you may like to test yourself with higher leveled spells right? Well my answer is YES to both. All right here you go,adn take good care of it ok? Yeah.*Hands the book to me and leaves* Was that an illusion? NO IT WAS NOT AXEL. Ok,Ok don't kill me!! Well that's all for now, later.

Lexaeus No.V

What is the next guy on our list Roxas? Wait,hangon...It's Lexaeus. Oh fun...Well should we get strated Twilight? You bet Axel,and here we GO!!! A master of earth and physically the Organization's strongest. He is a man of few words, opting instead to express himself though actions. His weapon is an Axe Sword. Well the only thing we have to worry about him is his axe sword. And speaking of him where is he anyway? Oh he's out on a mission. Well I think at's it for him Ok? BYE-BYE^_^!!!!