Saturday, October 24, 2009

The 101 on XIII !!!

HI!!! It's me Twilight Katana again! You may have all ready guessed that Organization XIII let me do a Blogger page about them!! YEA, HAPPY DAY!!! Oh, but I'm not making this page alone. With me is my three best friends from, you guessed it, the Organization!!! Their names ARE... Axel,my smexy hotty. Roxas, the sea-salt icecream lover. AND Xion, the newest member of the Organization!! Together, we plan to take over the Organization and destory in for ever!!!! Just kidding!!!^_^ But really we do plan on telling you a little bit about each member and what weapon they have!! It'll be lots of fun!! (And sea-salt icecream sticks!!!) So read,read,READ about our Organization XIII!!!!

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